Jury Services

Postponement & Excusal

The Third Circuit Court Has Gone to Great Lengths to Protect Health and Safety

By the order of the Chief Judge of the Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan, those who received a jury summons are ordered to appear for jury service at the place, date, and time listed on that summons.  Postponements and Excusals are available under specific circumstances.

If you are currently experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please do not report for jury duty. Please postpone your service date. A postponement can be requested by sending an email to juryservices@3rdcc.org or by calling (313) 224-2507, press prompt # 7 to speak with a representative. Please provide your jury badge ID# with all correspondence.

You may go online at www.3rdcc.org/jury-services to reschedule your date. You must complete the online jury questionnaire before a new date can be selected OR send an email to juryservices@3rdcc.org or call (313)224-2507 after 11:00am.

If you are age 70 or older, or if you have a medical or other condition that prevents you from serving on a jury, you may request to be excused. If you are excused, your jury service is canceled and you will not have to appear in this jury term. Please note that you may be required to provide documentation from a physician.  To request an excusal, call (313) 224-2507 or send an email to juryservices@3rdcc.org.

One Time Postponement 
If you are not available on the date scheduled you may request ONE POSTPONEMENT. A postponement may be requested using one of the following methods:
Jury Services Department
C/O Postponements
301 Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
Two Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226-3452
Jury Services Department
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
(313) 224-2507
(313) 237-9203 (Fax)