welcome to the

Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan

The Court will be closed May 26 in observance of Memorial Day.

Welcome to Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan

The Third Judicial Circuit is the largest circuit court in Michigan, with 57 judges and three operating divisions. The Third Circuit Court has jurisdiction over Civil, Criminal, and Family matters arising in the County of Wayne.

2024 State of the Court Presentation

View the Third Judicial Circuit’s 2024 State of the Court Presentation. The presentation was led by Chief Judge Patricia Perez Fresard in conjunction with a Detroit Bar Association meeting on May 1, 2024.


Honorable Patricia Perez Fresard

Chief Judge

Honorable Leslie Kim Smith

Chief Judge Pro Tem

Mr. E. Frank Hardester

Executive Court Administrator

We serve the community by providing accessible and equal justice for all.
We are an exemplary and innovative Court leading with integrity in providing justice and public service.
Leadership: We show unwavering commitment to upholding justice while guiding, inspiring, motivating, and collaborating with others in the court community.
Excellence: We strive to achieve high standards by being proactive and ensuring services to court users are efficient, accessible, and understandable.
Accountability: We build the public's trust by being transparent, open, and responsible for our conduct.
Diversity: We embrace, respect, and value everyone while ensuring a fair and inclusive environment.
Full Bench 2024 Third Circuit Court
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