

Please be advised that, pursuant to SCAO Administrative Memorandum 2016-02, the filing fee for all adoption-related cases has increased by $25. Any instructional packet referencing a filing fee of $160 is now $185.


The mission of the Adoptions Unit is to help ensure permanently joined bonded family units through the timely completion of parental rights’ termination, formal placement into approved homes, adoption finalization, and the delivery of efficient post adoption services.


Please note that the Adoptions Department does not take walk-ins.  If you have any questions or would like to schedule a filing appointment, please call 313-833-1880.  Filing Instructions can be found by navigating through the Adoptions sub-menu. A brief description of each page's content is described below for your convenience.

Non-Agency Filings: Includes Adult, Guardian, Relative, and Stepparent Adoptions—and attorney filing instructions.  Also includes Motions for Delayed Registration of Foreign Births and Competing Parties (individuals denied Consent to Adopt from the Michigan Children’s Institute).

Agency Filings: Includes relevant documents for the filing of Permanent Court Ward (foster child) adoptions.  Also includes instructions for Safe Delivery of Newborn filings and Parental Releases.

Temporary and Direct Placements: Includes filing instructions for agencies and attorneys filing either temporary or direct placement adoption paperwork.

Post-Adoption Services: Includes instructions on how to request information from an adoption record, appointing a confidential intermediary to locate an adoptee or adoptive parent, and obtaining other documentation.